Food Hygiene Bureau


Caribbean Food Safety Conference 2019 – Recap

The Food Hygiene Bureau’s 8th International Food Safety Conference carried the theme Caribbean Preparedness Regulatory Control. The conference dates were 24th to 25th September 2019 and went off without a hitch despite some challenges. The international panel of keynote speakers covered topics such as Practical Approaches to Integrated Pest Management and Hidden Hazards in Food Allergens.

For the two days, hundreds of food safety professionals participated in the interactive presentations, browsed exhibitions in the Expo Hall, and renewed their international certifications. Leading experts shared valuable insights on matters related to preparedness and regulatory controls.

“I want to send my heartfelt gratitude to our speakers, attendees, and exhibitors who made this conference a success. The contributions, lessons learned and overall engagement exceeded our expectations,” said Marva Hewitt, chief executive officer, Food Hygiene Bureau. “We had a large turnout and we’re happy for the exhibitors who had the opportunity to connect with existing and potential customers. This conference reminds us how vital it is for food safety professionals to network and support our common goal for food safety and security around the globe. We hope to see a larger representation from across the Caribbean and the Americas.”

Plans are underway for the next conference carded for September 23rd and 24th 2021. Information will be forthcoming and will be published on For more details follow the Food Hygiene Bureau on Facebook or leave a comment below.

The presentations/handouts from the 8th Annual Conference are available on demand.


Advisor and Scientist

Formerly Senior Professor/ principal scientist and university head of entomology at ANGRAU AND PJTSAU . Had Doctoral degree in 1983 with specialization in Pesticide Residues, Insect Toxicology and worked for more than 33 years indifferent capacities as Professor/ Researcher and Extension scientist.

Specialisation: food safety and food security issues, pesticide residues, insect toxicology and IPM. He is involved in farmer empowerment and entrepreneurship development initiatives in agri-ecosystem.

Worked in collaboration with CIMMYT, Mexico on breeding for Insect Resistance and on innovative technologies in sugarcane, Potato, Ginger and Turmeric.